Chamber Mission

The Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce's mission is to promote and serve business and industry members while enhancing community life in western Johnson County.


In October 2000, the Chamber of Commerce hosted a survey of residents in seven postal routes now serviced by either the Clayton or Garner post offices. Those residents were asked to select one of five names. Cleveland Springs drew a majority of votes.  In July 2001, an alert resident of Cleveland area, discovered that a Cleveland Springs already exists in western North Carolina.  After the US Postal Service rechecked, they admitted they had failed to thoroughly search the name.

Because of the cost of such a survey, and because nearly two years has passed, the USPS has asked the Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce to conduct an "informal" survey before the USPS conducts their official survey.

Our purpose was and is to create an identity using a name suggested and adopted by the people of this community – a name that we can put "on the map" and "the highway."

FOR YOUR SURVEY RESPONSE TO COUNT, WE MUST HAVE YOUR STREET ADDRESS so that we may match it against the area to be surveyed by the post office by year's end. Only those surveys from addresses within the affected area will be used.


We appreciate your time and interest in this matter.


(Submissions were accepted until: August 30, 2002)

Currently we receive our mail from:

Your street address:

YOU MUST supply a street address for your vote to count!

We are:

Both Clayton and Garner post offices are approximately 8 miles from 40/42 intersection.  While there is interest in maintaining our connection to Johnston County through the Clayton post office, there are also many residents who find Garner convenient when traveling to and from Raleigh.  You would only have to go to a specific post office to pick up parcels or certified mail. You may use any post office to purchase postage or send mail. Please indicate your preference.

We would prefer to pick up our packages in:

To preserve the heritage of our area, which has, among other things, been affectionately called "Cleveland," please answer the following: 

We would prefer to see the word "Cleveland" used in a name:

Below are the original survey names plus three additional names that have recently been suggested to the chamber (in alphabetical order). The names will be given to the USPS to research in the order of the most votes received. When they send their survey letter to you later this year, it will include the informally adopted name.

(Please click on your choice to select)


(We want to maintain the democratic process with the option for you to write-in a name. However, we encourage your vote for one of the listed names, as one of these will most likely receive a majority).

(Submissions were accepted until: August 30, 2002)

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