headed out with his camera and snooped around some of the new construction going on in our area. Here's the lowdown on what he found:The new Commerce Center will be the home of some long-time 40/42 businesses. Lynne's Workout
has staked out two spaces to expand to. (The Web Dog hears that the new location will have the much requested shower facilities!)
Next door will be Lil' Dino's Subs, moving down from their current Peddler's Village location. Look for Floor Mark and La Favorita to follow also. So there will be several openings in the ever popular Peddler's Village for new startups...we'll be watching!
Have you seen the progress
on the State Employee's Credit Union? Shouldn't be long before they are open for business. In the same building, there are a couple of new offices for lease. Here's a thought! The end office on the Credit Union or the one directly across from it at Commerce Center look to the Web Dog like they could handle a drive-thru. Anybody up for putting in a doughnut place with coffee? We know of a certain brown hound that would be a regular visitor!
Closing out our survey is the newest medical facility springing up at 40/42. Smithfield Kids Care of Cleveland is looking more complete all the time. Located across from Medicap Pharmacy, they should be operational soon.
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Visit 4042.com often for the latest local news and events. Remember...while you are sleeping or at work, the Web Dog is out there...sniffing up what's new!

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