[2/14/02) Students at Riverwood Elementary waged war against one another to raise money for needed playground equipment. A PENNY WAR to be exact, and what fun they had! The school was broken up into four teams: Team 1: 5th graders & Kindergarten, Team 2: 4th and 1st grades, Team 3: 3rd and 2nd grades, and finally Team 4: Teachers and Staff of Riverwood
Elementary. The Teams competed against one another to collect the most pennies for their team. Sound Simple? There's a twist…SABOTAGE! The teams could decrease the opposing teams totals by adding Silver Coins or Dollar Bills to their jars.
Everyday as the kids passed the jars
on their way to lunch the pennies mounded and so did the sabotage! Every afternoon the students eagerly awaited the announcement of the current leader. As they planned for the next day, strategy was everything, and believe me these kids were relentless! It was a close call! But on Friday, the final day of the competition, the Teams got very aggressive with their sabotage and clever strategies. Team 2 collected the most pennies;
they also suffered the most sabotage! And Team 1 came out on top as the winners of Riverwood Elementary's 2002 Penny Wars.
Susan Alibrandi and many others from Riverwood Elementary's PTA had the choir of counting all those coins. Last year counting by hand took over a week. Thanks to Rainbow Lanes in Clayton, this year counting was much easier and quicker. Rainbow Lanes was gracious enough to allow Riverwood Elementary to use their coin counting machine. A total of $ 2400.00 was raised this year
(last years war earned $1960.00), far exceeding the goal of $2100.00. The kids really enjoyed the competition! Lowes Foods was generous enough to donate Ice Cream again this year to Riverwood Elementary as a special reward for the kids efforts. Team 1 was treated to ice cream sundaes for their victory and all the other teams enjoyed ice cream treats for their efforts! In the end everyone's a winner at Riverwod Elementary!
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