[1/7/03) This is the last letter the United States Postal Authorities in Greensboro, NC want me to write. But my frustration level and that of our entire community is mounting because of an error of the postal authorities in 2000.
The Township of Cleveland
is an unincorporated, high growth area on the western side of Johnston County, bedroom community to Raleigh and RTP. Lack of identity for our area throughout the state was and remains a critical issue. Members of the business community first met with postal officials in late 1999 to ascertain if we could have an Alternate Place Name with mail delivered from either Garner or Clayton post offices. The Garner service was very poor – with businesses at the main highway interchange not receiving
their mail until 7 p.m., losing another valuable day to small business.
We were advised to provide a name and postal authorities would research its availability. In October 2000, at the expense of a fledgling chamber of commerce, we mailed approximately 4,500 postcard ballots to seven carrier routes that would be affected. We felt it important to conduct a survey that included all of the people affected by the change. Over 1000 households responded and by 20 votes the name Cleveland
Springs won. The post office was notified of the name so they could draft the boundary survey they require. We never heard a word about not using the name until July 2001 when a local resident saw the name used near Salisbury. He emailed community leaders and I interrupted my vacation to try a resolve the issue. I spoke with Greensboro authorities and even the Postmaster in Salisbury. The name would not be ours. What happened next is what eats at my craw!
There was a very simple
solution. The USPS could piggyback a name ballot with the Alternate Place Name Boundary Survey in August 2001. They made the mistake. They should rectify it.
Then 9-11 occurred. As a courtesy we did not bother them with this matter because of anthrax scares and security matters they were addressing. We waited until the beginning of 2002. I continued to ask the same question, "can you piggy-back the name ballot?" In July we were given hope by a manager –
Tom Henry - who said he "wasn't saying no to the idea. But why don't you do an informal survey," was his suggestion. He was transferred and I realize now that he used the informal survey idea just to delay us and push the matter aside.
So, the informal survey was announced through the local newspaper and an area website. In September, we asked the USPS to check the addresses of the respondents against the carrier routes (ballots had been returned with addresses and we knew
a number of them came from outside the postal carrier routes that would be affected). We were told they could not. But they would get us an address list in 7-10 working days. An address list that had no relationship to a carrier route. Fortunately, I have witnesses, because it took 8 phone calls, four faxes and 10 weeks to receive the list that had little value to us. I've told the USPS people in Morrisville and Greensboro that I now understand why postal employees shoot each other, and
I'm not trying to be funny. This is really sad, when the local office of a quasi-government agency cannot take responsibility for a simple error. There's not a business owner I know that would not be working to satisfy a customer who was improperly served.
I continue to ask why we can't piggy-back the name survey with the boundary survey. I was told as late as yesterday, that "we can't do that." And my response again is "why not?"
I've just had a heated discussion
with a media person who lives in the affected area about the fairness of the informal survey. I stand convicted that only a formal survey to every home and business in the seven carrier routes, like the one conducted in 1999 is appropriate, because it affects all of the people living in the carrier routes. And the USPS has the responsibility and the resources to correct their mistake and make this happen.
It is our hope that you two honorable Senators will utilize your
authority to get results for a constituency of approximately 5,000 homes. It's about the process and we need a proper name and alternate place name survey.
Very truly yours,
/s/ Deirdre Jersey
Deirdre Jersey
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