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The Crossroads Civitan Club You may remember Civitians because we sell those Claxton fruitcakes you get at Christmas or The Candy boxes you see in Restaurants . The profit from these sales and other fund-raising activities will go to the Special Olympics
of Johnston County North Carolina and Boys and Girls Home at Lake Waccamaw, Hilltop Home, Boys and Girls Clubs, drug education in the Schools, and other causes which are decided upon by the Cleveland club. We assist in telethons and highway cleanup projects. We will belong to Civitan International and will be part of Civitan District East which has about 66 clubs in the eastern half of North Carolina. |
| | | Mission of the Civitans
``To build good citizenship by providing a volunteer organization of clubs dedicated
to serving individual and community needs with an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities." |
|  |  | | Interested in the activites of the Crossroads Civitan Club?Use the form below to request additional Iinformation!
Plan to join us! |
 |  | | Let us know you are interested! Fill in the form below so you can be contacted and join us for our next meeting! |
 |  | | Name: Address:
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