{mosimage}SMITHFIELD, NC - The Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation is proud to announce the recent opening of another retail business in Downtown Smithfield district.
The husband and wife team of Terri and Dwight Erickson have opened Plus Plus Consignments located at 329 East Market in Downtown Smithfield. Plus Plus Consignments specializes in brand new, nearly new, and gently worn PLUS Size Fashion and Maternity Wear PLUS a whole lot more! Lovely and fashionable hand-crafted jewelry from local crafters can also be found in their convenient, downtown location.
Plus Plus Consignments located next to the Ava Gardner Museum and across the street from Smithfield Town Hall. Open Tuesday through Saturday 10:00am to 6:00pm. They are closed on Sunday and Monday.
In addition to their main clothing lines, they will also carry home furnishings, knick-knacks, clothing, and almost anything of good value, good quality, and in very good condition.
Although they officially opened their doors on June 5, and Plus-Plus Consignments has scheduled a Grand Opening on Saturday, June 16, 2012. Hot dogs from Zack's Char-Grill and soft drinks will be served to guests from 11:00am until 2:00pm or as long as supplies last.
"We are extremely excited about being in Downtown Smithfield," states Terri Erickson, owner and operator of Plus Plus Consignments. "We actually stumbled across this opportunity while looking at other locations. Due to the outstanding location and condition of the facility, we knew this is where we needed to be!"
{mosimage}Plus Plus Consignments phone number is 919-934-5051 and they can be found on the web at www.PlusPlusNC.com. They can also be found on facebook at Plus-Plus-Consignments-Inc.
To learn more about Downtown Smithfield and its businesses, please call Chris Johnson with the Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation at 919-934-0887 or visit them on the web at www.downtownsmithfield.com.