Smithfield NC - The Neuse Charter School Board of Directors is pleased to announce that in only their fourth year of operation, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction has recognized Neuse Charter of Johnston County as an "Honor School of Excellence" with a composite score of 90.1%.This is the second year in a row that Neuse Charter School has received the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction's highest scholastic recognition.
On Thursday, scores from all public schools in North Carolina was released by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.The ABC's Program recognizes schools for both the progress of its students and the overall proficiency of the students primarily on the North Carolina Testing Program.
"We are extremely proud of what our staff and students have been able to accomplish again this year", states Chris Johnson, Neuse Charter School Board Chair."This academic performance two years in a row speaks volumes of the Neuse Charter School Family.Our director Dr.Patricia Harris, staff, students, parents and the many community supporters and volunteers should all be commended."
{mosimage}With the report, Neuse Charter was also recognized as exceeding their "Annual Yearly Progress" goals set by the State.In 2009 Neuse Charter was recognized as a School of Distinction.
"As director of Neuse Charter School, I again take distinct pleasure in congratulating the faculty, staff, students and parents on the quality of excellence that has been displayed not only through the wonderful composite scores received, but also through their desire to always strive for the highest level of accomplishments," states Dr.Patricia Harris, Director of Neuse Charter."Our students proved this every day they walked into the classroom ready and willing to think on a higher level."
Neuse Charter School, Johnston County's only charter school, was founded in 2006 and opened its doors to students in August of 2007. On August 18, they will open on their new 26 acre campus site and gymnasium on Booker Dairy Road in Smithfield for the 2011 school year.Utilizing financing from Self-Help Credit Union and loan guarantees from the USDA, Neuse Charter saves Johnston tax payers millions of dollars in school facility costs.North Carolina charter schools do not receive state or local funding for land, buildings or other facility needs for their students.All facility funding comes from the operational budget charter schools receive based on the per pupil enrollment at each school.
In 2010, North Carolina school systems spent 15 - 40 million dollars per school to construct new facilities for schools with 1200 - 1600 students.The funding of these facilities comes from taxes, school bonds, or other revenue streams from the local or state budgets.North Carolina charter schools provide families with choices for their children while operating efficiently to provide excellent educational programs.
Neuse Charter is a public, free-tuition school open to any child who is a legal resident of North Carolina.The school's mission is to provide a challenging learning environment, to keep expectations high and to make sure all students achieve their maximum potential.The school offers an international studies and foreign language focus, in addition to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.Currently, Neuse Charter offers grades K-10, but will add a grade per year over the next two years to become a full elementary, middle and high school program.
Further information may be obtained by visiting the school's website, www.neusecharterschool.org or by calling Neuse Charter at 919-938-1077.
Neuse Charter School Notables
2011 - An Honor School of Excellence
2011 - Composite Scores of 90.1%
2011 - Exceeded Annual Yearly Progress Goals by State
2010 - An Honor School of Excellence
2010 - Composite Scores of 92.34%
2010 - Exceeded Annual Yearly Progress Goals by State
2010 - Scored 100 in Algebra State Testing
2010 and 2009 - Scored 100 in 5th Grade Science State Testing
2009 - School of Distinction
Offers 3 Foreign Languages - Chinese, Spanish and Latin
Offers Music, Art, Drama, Band, Chorus and Sports
100% Highly Qualified/Certified Teachers
A Paideia School
NCS Mission Statement
Neuse Charter School seeks to provide a challenging learning environment for students.High academic standards, a highly qualified staff, innovative approaches to teaching through the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, and strong emphasis on communication and critical thinking skills will be the distinguishing attributes of this school.Mandatory parental volunteerism and community involvement are high priorities of the staff and board to insure the school empowers every child to achieve his or her maximum potential.
Neuse Charter School 909 Booker Dairy Rd.Smithfield, NC 27577