The Rules for the Name Game

A local feature

The ballots for the Cleveland area "name vote"
are in the mail.  Below is the information from the Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce concerning the voting process.

In addition you might be interested in:
the poll we ran earlier this year on the name selection

- the local feature which includes MANY comments sent in from you, our viewers

- the Clayton News-Star article on the issue

For Immediate Release
Contact Deirdre Jersey
(919) 639-2218

Postal Name Cards Are in the Mail

Residents in seven postal routes, two with Clayton addresses and five with Garner address, will receive a post card from the Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce inviting them to vote on a name for the Cleveland area.  Each household or business postal patron is entitled to a vote.

"If you receive a card, then you can vote.  The end result will be an alternate place name with Clayton's zip code," said Deirdre Jersey, president of the chamber.  Jersey added that postal officials said that Clayton's new facility has capacity to handle the five extra routes.

"Now it's all up to all the people," said Jersey noting that there is community consensus that Cleveland should be part of the name, whether a prefix or suffix.

At a community meeting earlier this year, two-dozen names were suggested and the residents at that meeting voted for their top five choices. Those are the names on the ballot although there is a write-in option that people may select.

Votes are due by 5 p.m. October 27.  According to Jersey the votes will be counted on Monday, October 30 at noon by a group of community leaders.  The location for that count is to be announced.

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We've Heard A Lot On This Topic...Click Here For All the Comments and Opinions!

I do believe we should be creative in naming the community. I've been waiting for this opportunity to cast my opinion. What about "The Other Cleveland?"

"The name Cleveland is part of this community's long time identity, but lets not limit ourselves to using the name. Let's get creative and come up with something meaningful, fun, and noteworthy."

"well, i have lived here all my life and i think that one of the old names that cleveland were called would make good names, like polenta, tombstone or leachburg."

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