In September, the following members of the Crossroads Civitan officially accepted positions of service: Jonathan Breeden-President, Lance Wheeler-President-Elect, Jacqueline Lippard-Vice-President, Lisa Kuyath-Secretary, Beth Jones-Treasurer, Charles Lane-Director-1year, Janet Davis-Past President.
The Crossroads Civitan members first met in June of 2000 and the organization was chartered in August 2000. Since that time, they have worked to provide for the needs of others. The Civitan group meets at 7:00pm on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at the Golden Corral in the Cleveland Area. For more information on joining in on the activities, fellowship and outreach of the Crossroads Civitan contact Jonathan Breeden at (919) 661-4970 Or Lance Wheeler at (919) 772-6902