{mosimage}On Tuesday, November 24, 2009 members of the Clayton Area Chamber of Commerce Education Committee visited West Clayton Elementary School and presented Kim Standley with the Education SUPERSTAR award for the month of November 2009. She was presented with a "goodie" bag filled with donations from Chamber members as well as a $50 gift card from Walmart.
Our thanks and appreciation to Kim and all the amazing educational staff members who do an outstanding job every day! Kim Standley has worked at West Clayton Elementary School for 21 years. She began her career there as a teacher assistant in Kindergarten and First Grade. She took over the job NC Wise Data Manager the 2008-2009 school year. During this time, Johnston County Schools has converted to NC Wise Sutdent Data Management. This has required Mrs. Standley to attend workshops, work countless weekends, and train staff. She comes in every day and opens the building at 5:00 a.m. She also works in the before-school program. Mrs. Standley never complains and has a postive outlook to every new challenge. Mrs. Standley is dedicated to West Clayton Elementary and is truly a Superstar Employee. It is with great pleasure that we recognize her as an outstanding employee.