{mosimage}On Saturday, December 8th from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., Smithfield's Historic Brooklyn Neighborhood welcomes the public to its 2007 Holiday Homes Tour. The Brooklyn Neighborhood is located south of the downtown business district and Church Street, between South Third and South Fifth Streets. This year's tour features 13 homes in the Brooklyn Neighborhood, as well as the historic Hastings House on South Front Street. Built in 1850, Major William Hastings made his residence available to General Joseph E. Johnston and other confederate generals for use as military headquarters in late March 1865, prior to the Civil War Battle of Bentonville.
This annual event offers a unique opportunity to experience Smithfield's rich history and appreciate the architectural artistry of days gone by. Each of the homes on the tour offers a variety of architectural styles. Several of the homes have been restored; others are in more original condition. All will provide participants with a sense of the rewards and challenges of being the steward of a one-of-a-kind historic structure. Each home on the tour showcases individual decorating styles along with the unique antique items each family has collected.
The Brooklyn Homes Tour is sponsored by the Historic Brooklyn Neighborhood Association and the Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation, which is a nonprofit organization representing the historic business district and residential neighborhoods of Smithfield. Proceeds of the tickets sales will go toward the restoration and conservation of the Hastings House and other preservation projects in the Brooklyn neighborhood.
Tickets are $20 per person when purchased in advance, and are available through the listed ticket outlets.
Ava Gardner Museum - 325 E. Market St.
DSDC Office - 200 S. Front St.
Evans Jeweler's - 103 S. Third St.
Gandolfo’s Deli - 224 E. Market St.
Goldcraft Jeweler's - 226 E. Market St.
Jewel's Formals - 101 S. Third St.
Johnston County Heritage Center - 241 E. Market St.
Lone Star Mercantile - 109 S. Third St.
Memory Lane Frame Shop - 307 S. Third St.
Riverside Coffee - 227 E. Market St.
Smithfield Town Hall - 350 E. Market St.
We Ship It - 111 N. Third St.
Tickets may be purchased day of and during the tour at the Smithfield Town Hall for $25 per person.
For additional information, or to learn more about the Christmas Homes Tour or the Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation, please call Chris Johnson at 919-934-0887 or visit www.downtownsmithfield.com.