North Carolina State Senator, and candidate for Governor, Fred Smith is scheduled to speak to the Neuse Charter School's 4th and 5th grade classes on Monday, December 17, 2007, from 2:00PM to 2:45PM.
{mosimage}As a part of the school's advanced and international curriculum, 4th grade teacher, Amber Petersen wanted to be able to introduce students to area leaders. Weekly, dignitaries have been invited to come in to the classroom and discuss their roles as leaders in the community. Past speakers include Chris Johnson, Executive Director of the Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation.
"As a young, first year school, we are extremely proud to have State Senator Smith visit and speak to our classes," states Petersen. "To have him take time out of his busy schedule as a member of the State Senate and candidate for Governor to recognize us in this way, we think, speaks volumes about what we are trying to accomplish here at Neuse Charter School. Not only in advanced curriculum, but also in the atmosphere in which we teach. We believe that having someone of the stature of Senator Smith in our classroom sets a tone for the leaders of the future that we are producing now."
Located at 605 West Noble Street in Selma, Neuse Charter School is a free public school, chartered by the State of North Carolina and funded by state and county per pupil allotments as well as federal grants. Neuse Charter prides itself in building a caring, vibrant, and innovative academic environment to promote learning among student from Johnston, Wake, and other neighboring Counties.
Dean Olah, Neuse Charter Director, says "our school has made tremendous strides since first opening the doors in August. The response from the community has been overwhelming and having Senator Smith participate in the education of our students is something they will be able to keep with them for years to come."
To learn more about the Neuse Charter School and educational opportunities offered, individuals may call Dean Olah 919-965-8088, or visit www.neusecharterschool.org for more information.